20 Best Universities in the World for Engineering Majors

Engineering and technology are one of the study programs that are the target of students from various parts of the world. They are even willing to migrate to other countries in order to get the best technical education.

To help students and college students to choose higher education institutions in foreign countries, Times Higher Education (THE) magazine has ranked the top 100 universities in engineering and technology study programs for the 2014/2015 period. In the ranking, the United States’ Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is in first place.

Not only in first place, the campus from Uncle Sam also dominated the rankings up to 20. However, the National University of Singapore (NUS) managed to get into 13th place.

THE ranking of the 100 best universities in engineering and technology study programs has 13 indicators. The 13 indicators are divided into five areas, namely teaching, research, citations, input from the industry, and international insight.

Teaching includes a learning environment with a portion of 30 percent. Research is seen in terms of number, income, and reputation by 30 percent. Then, the influence of the research as measured by the number of citations with a portion of 30 percent and input from industry weighs 2.5 percent. The remaining 7.5 percent came from international insights from the staff, students, and researchers at each university.

Here are the 20 best universities for engineering and technology studies, as quoted from Times Higher Education (THE):

  1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA with a total score of 93.6
  2. Stanford University, USA with a total score of 92.9
  3. California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA with a total score of 89.9
  4. Princeton University, USA with a total score of 89.3
  5. University of Cambridge, England with a total score of 89.2
  6. Imperial College London, England with a total score of 88.3
  7. University of Oxford, England with a total score of 87.9
  8. ETH Zürich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich, Switzerland with a total score of 87.1
  9. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA with a total score of 86.3
  10. University of California, Berkeley, USA with a total score of 86.0
  11. Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), USA with a total score of 83.9
  12. cole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland with a total score of 82.9
  13. National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore with a total score of 81.7
  14. University of Texas at Austin, USA with a total score of 81.2
  15. University of Michigan, USA with a total score of 80.6
  16. Carnegie Mellon University, USA with a total score of 78.1
  17. Cornell University, USA with a total score of 76.4
  18. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA with a total score of 76.1
  19. Northwestern University, with a total US score of 75.2
  20. Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, with a total score of 75.2.

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